Building the first cable car network in Antananarivo should require an investment of 152 million euros. On its environmental aspect, the project has just obtained a favorable opinion from the National Environment Office (ONE).

Picture (DR): The French company POMA will be in charge of the technical realization of the urban cable project in Antananarivo

The Secretariat of State in charge of new cities and the Presidency of the Republic, promoters of the project, believe that the conditions are in place to implement this presidential program. However, some readjustments have been made to the initial plan. For example, the line has been redrawn so that it does not pass over the Collège Saint Michel in Amparibe. The passage by the cathedral of Andohalo has also been removed and the business district of Antaninarenina has been added to the services. Complaints have been received concerning the installation of pylons in the Jesuit educational establishment. The association “Friends of Heritage” has also risen to denounce the risk of damage that the project could bring to the remains of the past in the Upper Town …

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