The agency Verde, which specializes in research, data analysis and predictive modeling, was co-founded in 2016 by Venna Pavaday and Dirish K. Noonaram.
The two young leaders have this year developed an à la carte media monitoring tool.
The service allows customers to be informed whenever something is mentioned about themselves, their competitors or their industry in the press or on social media. According to Venna Pavaday : “Previously this was manual, with customers receiving a number of emails with attachments or audio files (when the mention is on TV or radio). We launched a platform where all news articles are available and where all documents are stored.Whenever a new item is entered on the platform, the customer receives a notification and decides whether they want to read the full article or view the attachment by logging into the platform. For example, let’s say the MCB wants to know everything that is being said in the media about them or about the SBM. We are monitoring and informing them of everything that is mentioned regarding these keywords” . The files are stored on the platform and can be viewed on demand using different formulas.