In Réunion, there are few or no studies on the use of AI in business. With these observations in mind, four seasoned “business” experts from the corporate world have joined forces with the “AI Consultants ” to promote generative artificial intelligence (GAI) in the field of marketing.

Photo (DR): From left to right: Romuald Dariot, François Mandroux, Rémy Exelmans, Bretrand Hoarau, the four “AI Consultants” experts.

The project involves a quality training offer delivered by Boite à Images Formation (Qualiopi certified). Several sessions are planned, the first of which will take place on Friday 17 May in Sainte-Marie.

These sessions are eligible for OPCO, France Travail and Kap Numerik supported by the Region. They are designed to be rich in examples and demonstrations, and in case studies encountered by participants in their day-to-day professional lives.

The aim of the AI Consultants is to democratise and de-democratise generative AI by making it accessible to companies (CEOs, MDs and marketing-communications teams). The flagship course, “Les AI Génératives, Quelimpact et comment les utiliser dans le marketing?”, offers fundamental and advanced skills for integratingChatGPT into marketing strategies. It is available in two levels to meet the specific needs of participants.

To be continued in the magazine…