Doctor of Law Aurélie Mendoza-Spinola* suggests legal solutions for a common management of our waste.

“The islands of the South West Indian Ocean region face similar situations and challenges. They face remoteness, have a small market, limited natural resources and remain dependent on exports. Moreover, they are vulnerable to natural disasters and external shocks. These particular characteristics are legally taken into account either through the status of outermost regions of the European Union (this is the case for Reunion and Mayotte) or through the status of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). This is the case for Mauritius, the Seychelles and the Comoros. Madagascar, which shares many of these characteristics, does not benefit from this status… ”

Find his analysis in full on the Journal des Archipels 3 on sale this Friday.

*Aurélie MENDOZA SPINOLA is originally from Reunion Island but now lives in Mauritius. She is a specialist in environmental law and sustainable development. After a master’s degree in public law at the University of Reunion, she joined the master’s degree in environmental law and sustainable development at the University of Nantes. She holds a doctorate in public law/environmental law and is an associate member of the Centre de Recherches Juridiques de l’Université de la Réunion and a member of WIOMSA (Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association).